F.B. Tecnopolimeri
F.B. Tecnopolimeri

Pioneers in the '70s with La Nuova Cremonese, in 1989 was born in collaboration with the same, the F.B. Import-Export, which took charge of the difficult task of promoting and selling polyamide 6 and 66 products based on textile yarn in Eastern European countries, which at the time were still poorly equipped and above all bound by trading relations mainly with Germany.

Countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia began to have their first experiences with polymers recycled on bases of textile origin that, unlike the first choices of that time, were accepted as technical polymers for a generic use at affordable costs for most of the central purchasing departments on those countries.

F.B. Import-Export S.r.l.
In collaboration with La Nuova Cremonese, in 1989 was born in collaboration with the same, the F.B. Import-Export, which took charge of the difficult task of promoting and selling polyamide 6 and 66 products based on textile yarn in Eastern European countries, which at the time were still poorly equipped and above all bound by trading relations mainly with Germany.
New production structure
After the acquisition of Nuova Cremonese by a Swiss multinational, the F.B. Import-Export started a new challenge, redesigning a new production structure.
The first two production lines
F.B. Import-Export acquires the first two production lines, at the time destined for the production of industrial Polycarbonates, transforming its productions and inserting Polyamides 6 and 66 on the basis of 1st choice in the following two years.
F.B. Tecnopolimeri is created
It builds its own factory, moves to Cremosano (CR), replaces the first two extruders with two more up-to-date lines and invests again on the production of Polyamides 6 and 66 based on textile yarns, inserting two new single-screw production lines.
Technical expansion
The technical laboratory equipment is expanded and increased.
The consolidation
In the years to come, consolidated the market on its own quantities, the F.B. Tecnopolimeri invested again by purchasing two new single-screw extruders to be used for the production of Blend (PC / ABS) and Polycarbonate, bringing its fleet to six production lines, so as to be able to produce even small quantities on its entire product range.
ISO 9001 certification
Although the processes were already regulated by high specifications and parameters, it was decided to certify through the ISO 9001 quality system.
Excellent quality standards
Despite the global crisis of 2008 and the decreases in consumption, the F.B. Tecnopolimeri has been and is still able to offer its customers certified products, maintaining its excellent quality standards.
Photovoltaic system
The "green" approach has always been at the base of the values, of the technological strategy of FB Tecnopolimeri and of the development of its products, which is inspired primarily by the principle of efficiency, energy saving and recycling of materials.
Trying to be innovative to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve the impact of its products on the environment, so as to improve efficiency in terms of energy saving and recycling of materials, F.B. Tecnopolimeri has installed a photovoltaic system on 5000 m² of available roof, able to guarantee part of the energy necessary for production, considerably reducing the production of CO2 and reducing emissions into the environment.
Nuovi prodotti 100% riciclabili
La ricerca, i test e le nuove procedure di lavorazione destinate al settore dei filati tessili.
L'esperienza trentennale nell'utilizzo dei filati considerati scarti, di Poliammide 6 e 66 e destinati al settore dei compound e l'attiva collaborazione con un Primario Gruppo del settore ci porta a realizzare una nuova serie di prodotti che possono essere riutilizzati al 100% per la produzione di filato tessile.
Nuova certificazione GREEN
La preparazione e l'inizio di una nuova era di prodotti denominati "GREEN o di Seconda Vita".
Per una sempre più costante ripetitività qualitativa, l'utilizzo del filato tessile del compound da destinare nella percentuale richiesta dal Cliente sui Polimeri 6 e 66 di prima scelta ci ha dato notevoli soddisfazioni.
La possibilità di realizzare prodotti estrusi o miscelati a secco con il rilascio di una certificazione sulla provenienza del prodotto rigenerato e utilizzato in queste lavorazioni.
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